Kjøpe egen tomt (land) i Thailand
Oppdatert: 02/22/2025
Krever en investering på minst 40 millioner baht
Et utlending kan få godkjennelse til å kjøpe tomt (land) i Thailand til boligformål derform tomten ikke overstiger 1 rai (1600 kvm)
Følgende regler gjelder:
1. Bringing money not less than Baht forty million into the Kingdom for investment and maintaining the investment not less that five years;
2. Permission must be obtained from the Minister of Ministry of Interior;
3. Money brought into the Kingdom shall be invested in one of the following businesses or activities;
3.1 to purchase bonds of Thai Government, bonds of Thai National Bank, bonds of State Enterprise or bonds which the Ministry of Finance secures the capital or interest,
3.2 an investment in a property mutual fund, a property mutual fund or a mutual fund for resolving financial institution problems established under the law on Securities and Stock Exchange,
3.3 an investment in share capital of a juristic person who is granted permission of investment under the law on promotion of investment,
3.4 an investment in an activity as declared by the Board of Investment to be an activity eligible to be granted promotion of investment under the law on promotion of investment;
4. the land to be acquired shall be located in Bangkok Metropolis, Pattaya City, or Tessaban (Municipality), or in the area specified as residential zone according to the law on Town and Country Planning and shall not be located in a military safety zone according to the law on Military Safety Zone;
5. an alien, who is granted permission, shall utilize the land only for residence for his/herself and the family in a way that is not contrary to the local custom or good living of the local community;
6. if an alien, who is granted permission to acquire such land, does not comply with the rules and conditions specified, he/she shall disposes of such land in the portion of his/her possession within the period of time specified by the Director General of the Department of Lands which shall be not less than one hundred eighty days and not more than one year. If the time limit elapses, the Director General shall have the power to dispose of such land;
7. if an alien, who is granted permission to acquire such land, does not utilize the land for residence within two years as from the day the registration for land acquisition is made, the Director General shall have the power to dispose of such land.
Besides the aforementioned rules and conditions, an alien may acquire land by inheritance as statutory heir, in this instance, the land devolved when combined with the land already acquired shall not exceed that specified by law, for examples, land for residential purpose not exceeding 1 rai per household, land for commercial purpose not exceeding 1 rai, land for industrial purpose not exceeding 10 rais, and land for agricultural purpose not exceeding 10 rai per household.
An alien whose spouse is a Thai national either legitimate or illegitimate, that Thai national can purchase land but the alien spouse of that Thai national must give a joint written confirmation that the money which that Thai national will expend on purchasing the land is wholly the separate property or personal effects of that Thai national and not the Sin Somros or jointly acquired property.
(a) 0.01% of the valuation price, in the case of purchasing the land located in the land development project (this rate is due in December 2002)
(b) In the case other than (a) the fee is 2% of the valuation price
Taxes and duties To be paid according to the Code of Revenue
Fra: Departement of Land. Originalteksten (engelsk)
2. Permission must be obtained from the Minister of Ministry of Interior;
3. Money brought into the Kingdom shall be invested in one of the following businesses or activities;
3.1 to purchase bonds of Thai Government, bonds of Thai National Bank, bonds of State Enterprise or bonds which the Ministry of Finance secures the capital or interest,
3.2 an investment in a property mutual fund, a property mutual fund or a mutual fund for resolving financial institution problems established under the law on Securities and Stock Exchange,
3.3 an investment in share capital of a juristic person who is granted permission of investment under the law on promotion of investment,
3.4 an investment in an activity as declared by the Board of Investment to be an activity eligible to be granted promotion of investment under the law on promotion of investment;
4. the land to be acquired shall be located in Bangkok Metropolis, Pattaya City, or Tessaban (Municipality), or in the area specified as residential zone according to the law on Town and Country Planning and shall not be located in a military safety zone according to the law on Military Safety Zone;
5. an alien, who is granted permission, shall utilize the land only for residence for his/herself and the family in a way that is not contrary to the local custom or good living of the local community;
6. if an alien, who is granted permission to acquire such land, does not comply with the rules and conditions specified, he/she shall disposes of such land in the portion of his/her possession within the period of time specified by the Director General of the Department of Lands which shall be not less than one hundred eighty days and not more than one year. If the time limit elapses, the Director General shall have the power to dispose of such land;
7. if an alien, who is granted permission to acquire such land, does not utilize the land for residence within two years as from the day the registration for land acquisition is made, the Director General shall have the power to dispose of such land.
Besides the aforementioned rules and conditions, an alien may acquire land by inheritance as statutory heir, in this instance, the land devolved when combined with the land already acquired shall not exceed that specified by law, for examples, land for residential purpose not exceeding 1 rai per household, land for commercial purpose not exceeding 1 rai, land for industrial purpose not exceeding 10 rais, and land for agricultural purpose not exceeding 10 rai per household.
An alien whose spouse is a Thai national either legitimate or illegitimate, that Thai national can purchase land but the alien spouse of that Thai national must give a joint written confirmation that the money which that Thai national will expend on purchasing the land is wholly the separate property or personal effects of that Thai national and not the Sin Somros or jointly acquired property.
(a) 0.01% of the valuation price, in the case of purchasing the land located in the land development project (this rate is due in December 2002)
(b) In the case other than (a) the fee is 2% of the valuation price
Taxes and duties To be paid according to the Code of Revenue
Fra: Departement of Land. Originalteksten (engelsk)
Nyttige lenker:
Hos “Department of lands”finner du reglerne for utlendingers kjøp av bolig og tome (land) køb af bolig og jord.
Acquisition of Condominium Unit by AlienAcquisition of Condominium Unit by Alien
Acquisition of Land by Alien
Application for acquisition of land or condominium units by aliens and persons connected with aliens
The Acquisition of Land for Residential Purpose by Aliens
The land code amendment act (no.8) B.E. 2542 (1999)
Bygge eget hus:
Teakdoor.com, har et forum, hvor der er masser af spørgsmål og svar omkring husbyggeri i Thailand:
Building in Thailand
Thaivisa.com har også information i deres forum:
Real Estate, housing, house and land ownership Subforums
Cool thai house, side om alt muligt i forbindelse med husbygning, advokater m.m. Har også et forum
Færdige tegninger, ideer og design:
Free Thai Government House Plans
Tips og litt bygging i bilder:
Living in Thailand
Hvor stort er en rai?
Du vil helt sikkert støte på uttrykket "rai". "Tomta er 2 rai" - det vil si lit i overkant av 3 mål.
1 (kvadrat-)wah = 4 kvadratmeter
1 ngan = 100 wah eller 400 kvadratmeter
1 rai = 4 ngan eller 1600 kvadratmeter (1,6 mål)
Se også tabellen under:
Kvadrat-Wah |
Kvadratmeter |
Ngan |
Rai |
1 |
4 |
100 |
400 |
1 |
0.25 |
400 |
1,600 |
4 |
1 |
800 |
3,200 |
8 |
2 |
1,200 |
4,800 |
12 |
3 |
1,600 |
6,400 |
16 |
4 |
2,000 |
8,000 |
20 |
5 |
2,400 |
9,600 |
24 |
6 |
2,800 |
11,200 |
28 |
7 |
3,200 |
12,800 |
32 |
8 |
3,600 |
14,400 |
36 |
9 |
4,000 |
16,000 |
40 |
10 |
32,000 |
80 |
20 |
48,000 |
120 |
30 |
64,000 |
160 |
40 |
80,000 |
200 |
50 |
96,000 |
240 |
60 |
112,000 |
280 |
70 |
128,000 |
320 |
80 |
144,000 |
360 |
90 |
160,000 |
400 |
100 |